Donald Trump is a polarizing character.
People either love him or hate him.
Not many are indifferent.
Some people seemingly do nothing all day but obsess about The Donald. They post memes and argue back and forth to ad nauseam. I have been guilty of this as well.
I have to admit when Hillary lost the election I was glad. Not because I like Donald, but, because I believe she and her supporters were totally disingenuous.
Without delving into Hillary too far I will give one example.
Neoliberals claim to champion ideals such as legalizing gay marriage. Hillary when questioned on the issue in the early 2000’s affirmed that she does not support gay marriage. She defined marriage as a “sacred bond between a man and a woman”. Fast forward to 2015 she not only supports gay marriage but she maintains that she always has.
Either she and all of her supporters have collective amnesia or they’re being dishonest. Of course some of her voters are not old enough to remember her prior stance.
For this and more Hillary flip flops check out this link.
Lots of people assume that if someone doesn’t support Trump they must be a democrat. This is a false dichotomy. I for one am neither. If anyone makes a negative critique of The Donald someone will respond by deferring to Obama’s shortcomings.
As a resident of upstate New York amidst the covid19 crisis all I hear is people bickering about who’s doing a better job responding to the crisis…Governor Andrew Cuomo or President Donald Trump?
Partisan people who oppose Trump will see no wrong in any democrat who holds office.
I am a resident of Hoosick Falls New York. A few years back our water was found to be contaminated with the poisonous compound PFOA. Regardless where one stands on whether Cuomo is doing a good job responding to covid19, he was like an absentee landlord in responding to the Hoosick Falls water emergency. It wasn’t until he was cornered by enough press coverage that he finally decided to grace us with his presence. He was just as sarcastic when criticised by the press as Trump is on the regular. Check it out.
But now I hear some democrat leaning residents of Hoosick Falls saying they want him to run for president.
Where were all the democrats during the last administration when Obama was commanding drone strikes oversees resulting in many non-combatant citizens losing their lives? One of which was the literal crashing of a wedding in Yemen killing well over 100 civilians. Where was their opposition to Mexican children being imprisoned and separated from their families under Obama (yes it was already happening before Trump)? Where was the outcry against his harsh treatment of whistleblowers and the intensification of the surveillance state?
It’s almost as if when under Obama the democrats (not all of them) buried their head in the sand and were seduced by an illusion of utopia. They pretend the nation experienced nothing but peace and prosperity for 8 years. Then suddenly the moment Trump took office it magically ended.
Why am I picking on the so-called left?
Because their very inability to hold democrats responsible for their wrong doings is akin to the behavior of much of the Trump constituency.
Just like Trump many of his supporters don’t listen to facts. Virtually every scientist at every university on the planet support the premise that humans contribute to climate change, while Trump maintains it to be a hoax.
Never before has a US president making a hand gesture and saying “believe me” sufficed as credible evidence for anything. But it seems to work for him.
And people drink the Kool-Aid.
Trump has expressed his admiration for the command dictators have over their people. In an interview on Fox & Friends Trump said of Kim Jong-un “He speaks and people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” He later backpedaled saying he was kidding. Really funny…
Many republicans vote for a candidate in part to ensure the preservation of the second amendment. Meanwhile Trump’s administration has chipped away at the right to bear arms while most of his supporters have made excuses for it. (My Two Cents On The Second Amendment)
Remember as a kid being told if you keep making that horrible face it would freeze that way? Pretty sure that happened to Trump. He rarely is smiling when he addresses the public. Usually he’s making a face like he just tasted something disgusting.
Sadly people tend to relate to his mean-spiritedness. They like him because they are ornery too. I’m not gonna assume Trump is prejudice but I will say that a lot of people who openly express their prejudices online are in love with him.
No need to praise him. He will be the first to tell us how great of a job he’s doing. If he’s doing such a fantastic job, who are his followers trying to convince by posting all day about it? Don’t they think the rest of the world would notice without them constantly reminding us? Or are MAGA-lomaniacs so much smarter than the rest of us that it’s their duty to enlighten us?
Who am I to criticize him? Well, other than being an American, I’ve already said I’m a hypocrite. Also I don’t vote, so either my hands are clean, or I’m part of the problem, depending on how you look at it. But I digress. I’m going on like a bitch.
Thanks for Reading
I think it’s a great detail that we have the ability to criticize each other. It’s akin to the same force in the markets that drives them and promotes excellence. It forces us to reevaluate our choices and hopefully in the future the cream will rise to the top. Unfortunately all to often it’s the biggest and loudest mouths that get heard the most and there’s no guarantee or even expectation that they’re correct. So it can get a little disappointing sometimes to see such a lack of spirited debate anymore. It’s common place now to throw daggers and innuendo with superficial credibility. But if you sit back and take it all in, and pick through the sensationalism…. you can still make educated choices without having to justify it with a facebook meme… I think that makes it worth staying in the game.
Thanks Thomas!
Good stuff buddy! I dig your thought process!
Thanks Hickey!
Thanks liamchaffee!